Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! Since learning of Huxley’s condition, at 3 days old, I have jumped right into the bleeding disorders community. First with the Central California Hemophilia Foundation and now the Idaho Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF Idaho). Leighton, also, has Severe Hemophilia A.

All monies raised at this event and others hosted by NHF Idaho go directly to supporting the members of the Idaho community through educational (local, regional, and national), awareness and support, fun and bonding, and recognition events.

For Huxley & Leighton,


Here is a little more information:

I'm participating in the Unite For Bleeding Disorders Walk - a fundraising event to support those living with bleeding disorders in my community. Inherited bleeding disorders are a life-long condition. Currently there is no cure, but scientists are actively engaged in finding cures and improving treatments.  

That’s why I’m raising money and I hope that I can count on your support of this exciting event! Thousands of families in our community, and across the country will benefit from your support and the success of the Walk.

My personal goal is to raise as much as possible for this worthy cause. I’m asking for your help to reach my goal. Will you make a tax-deductible contribution by donating what you can? It’s fast and easy to make a donation right here on my fundraising page.  

Thank you in advance for your support and together, we will make a difference.