I know I ask each year for you to donate but if the problem was solved, I promise I would stop asking. Everyone with a bleeding disorder, including me and my family, have suffered from lack of diagnosis, care and treatment. This results in poor health, lack of quality of life and in some cases, death. I am working tirelessly to solve the problem through my work at Hemophilia Foundation of Northern California. Each day, persons contact us for support and education about their condition. We provide that lifeline of support while continuing to raise awareness to hopefully end the lack of care that hurts everyone with a bleeding disorder. Thank you so much for any amount you can give. Every penny stays local and is used to meet HFNC's mission; The Hemophilia Foundation of Northern California (HFNC) serves the needs of people impacted by bleeding disorders through enhancing quality of life by providing support, education, outreach, advocacy and research through our affiliated national foundations.