NEW THIS YEAR - in order to receive a t-shirt each participant must raise $25 by July 19th. After that we cannot guarantee sizes.
Mt. Echo Park, 202 Crestline Dr, Cincinnati, 45202
Crestline is off Elberon Avenue. More than likely you will be coming from the downtown area based on directions we have seen. As you head up the hill there will be a big bend to the right and then another to the left. If you look to the left you should see a flag pole on top of a hill overlooking the city – that is the park. The entrance will be on the left, just past the second bend. It is maybe 5-10 minutes from downtown so if you have gone further than that you may want to turn around.
Once you enter the park you will come to a street on the right, turn there. You will immediately turn right into the parking lot of the Shelter.
As a reminder here is our schedule:
9-10:00am: Registration and light breakfast served (you do not need to be there right at 9am)
10:00am: Welcome and Pinwheel Ceremony
10:15am: Walk begins!
11:00am: After party
If you have family or friends who would like to register on site that day we will have them fill out a brief form and waiver. The more the merrier so please invite people to join us! Again, please note that to be included in our awards all registrations must be in by 10pm on Friday evening.
Also, in order to receive a t-shirt each participant must raise $25 by July 19th. After that we cannot guarantee sizes.
The walk through the park is approximately 1 mile from the start. We will have signs on the course leading you. With how the course is designed there is an opportunity to head back to the shelter after about a half mile, so if anyone in your group would like to walk but may not be able to do the entire distance, please let them know there is that option. You are also welcome to walk multiple loops if you’d like.
There are bathrooms near the shelter.
A light breakfast will be served that morning during registration and then afterwards we’ll have snacks during the after party. Water will be available before, during and after the walk.
We hope you take lots of photos and share them with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please use #CincinnatiisinmyBlood and/or #UniteWalkTSBDF
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