PLEASE consider joining our team the Lazy Blood Club this year - you can be a virtual or in-person walker...let's just raise that moola for this worthy cause.  

Now, the following blurb was written by Jessica, official scribe for Cameron Tulloch...heck, let's be real - for ALL Tulloch's, and yes, it is long like a novel - no surprise for anyone that knows me - but please read on and see why the Unite Walk for 2024 is ESPECIALLY near and dear to our hearts this year in particular.  While I'm going to do my best to keep it short and sweet this year (hell, all that know me understands that a bold faced lie), no judgment here when I'm long winded.  Pretty sure that is an undiagnosed side effect of being a bleeder since Cameron has the same side effect...

In 2021, Cameron and I were introduced to Camp Red Sunrise  since we're both vWD Type I bleeders and we LOVED the camp.  More than that, we were able to invite and include Cameron's "Papa Bob" (my father in law) to Camp that first year and he was HOOKED - he wanted nothing more to see a cure for these kids, visit with literally every human that he came in contact with, and to do everything he could in his power to learn, learn, learn so he could do everything possible to make a difference for this community.  As was Bob's personality, seemingly within seconds, he quickly became a loved member of the camp with his genuine authenticity (even with the rough around the edges bits).  Those that know our family understood that Bob was not only a grandfather to Cameron/father to Don/father in law to me, but genuinely one of our greatest and best friends in all of life.

In typical Bob style, immediately after Camp 2023 (where he didn't feel super great, but we assumed he was just being an old fart and was slower moving and cold now), he plopped down at his computer and I can only imagine (he was a SLOW writer on the computer) that it took him quite a while to get his thoughts down. He emailed me what has now become one of my most treasured Bob-type thank you notes that he'd periodically send to family members (excuse the ammo talk - that's how he shared his love with his grandkids - by teaching them how to safely clean, use, store, and treat weapons with the respect deserved...once a Marine always a Marine...).  His email said: 


  Thanks for taking me along with you, Cam and Olivier to Camp Sunrise.  I appreciate it so much to have an opportunity to associate with young people.  It is always amazes to watch and see what kids come up with.  I hope Cam will remember this camp with fond memories because I know I will.  I will come up with some ammo reloading projects, that will be another one-on-one event that the both of us can share.   

  Your personal attention to my comfort and well being certainly did not go unappreciated.  You make me feel warm and loved without making me feel like a burdensome tag along.  I am looking forward to going next year and the fun and memories it will bring.

With all my love always


Less than two months later, Bob started getting sick...then moved in with Don and me a month after that, and then unfortunately, and far too suddenly for our family, Bob passed away on October 13, 2023 - only a few short months after getting sick. My heart breaks that it will only be in spirit that he will be able to join us this year.  Because Bob was so, so involved in all things associated with the Idaho Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation, Cameron and I have struggled to keep embracing the events without the most captivating Tulloch in our company (ahem, SOBBED all the way home after the Christmas party, which was beautiful but painful without him as my Plus One because I am the worlds biggest baby and miss my best friend so dearly).  

With this said, however, Bob would be furious (and likely have a handful of swear words for us!) if we didn't push on and continue to support this amazing organization with the same love and tenacity that he did.  Don and I will forever be in debt to the dedicated volunteers, staff, and team for giving Bob such a beautiful experience through the National Bleeders Disorders Foundation events and Camp Red Sunrise - he told EVERYONE about it...from his doctors to random people he met each day as he walked his dogs.  This life-gift given to Bob is something we will work effortlessly to repay - you don't often see a retired Marina shedding tears and being so touched by a camp experience, which only adds to the validity and genuineness that the camp embodies.  

Though our family supports the push for the hopeful discovery of a cure for our bleeders AS we ARE bleeders, the Tulloch family is especially devoted to this endeavor as we continue in the spirit, love, and enthusiasm that Bob Tulloch exhibited to this group BECAUSE of the love he had for me and his grandson...and every single person he met associated with this program.

Thank you in advance for your support, for hopefully helping to create a better bleeding disorder future world for my son, and all of the "ripple effect" differences you make in peoples lives - it goes to show that by helping one person, there are undoubtedly many others that are touched by that helping hand and inspired to give more and more of themselves.

I am not sorry for the length of my post, but I appreciate those that cared to read this and even more appreciative to those that loved Bob as we did and are ready to be "More Like Bob" and dig in on the dedication to this wonderful cause.


Jessica Tulloch (and again, approved by Cameron Tulloch, Team Captain of the Lazy Blood Club, and Don Tulloch, who by marriage contract must support all written documentation by his wife)