Kristian Zack foto de perfil

Kristian Zack

Capitán del equipo Team Oz Man 2024 UNITE WALK (St. Louis, MO)


 Hey ya all ! 

Most of you know that Oz has hemophilia Mild A, our little hemo hero has over come a lot during his 6 years of life. Lots of lessons learned, ER trips and stays but we finally have a routine down that helps him be a care free as he can be! Oz has to do an injection every two weeks to help control his bleeds in his joints and for any small accidents he may have. The last time we had a team Oz had so much fun seeing everyone one coming together to support him. Oz goal is $1500 so let help him achieve  that goal ! 

GHA raises money for awareness and education resources! Without this Organization we would be lost, they have helped us so much with information and grants to help pay for this medication that Oz has to be on. 

For many, a world without bleeding disorders is simply a dream. Thousands of kids and adults affected face internal bleeding, costly treatments and lifelong infusions.

I’m all in to help end bleeding disorders. My personal goal is to raise as much as possible for this worthy cause. Will you help me reach my fundraising goal? It’s easy — just click “donate” to make a secure donation.

Every dollar stays within our community and supports critical initiatives such as funding research to find better treatments, educating medical providers on the latest innovations and care, ensuring families have access to quality healthcare and providing access to the best educational resources available.

Will you help me reach my fundraising goal? Please make a donation today.

Thank you in advance for your support and united, we will make a difference.


Oz and family